Hello, my name is Naomi. I started synchro at Burnaby Caprice when I was eight years old. I was in aqua squirts, which was the beginning level. Now, I’m a national stream swimmer, it is my seventh year doing synchro. Ever since I started, I loved the sport and the amazing club!
Synchro is a beautiful sport. It combines all the things that I love- dance, gymnastics, music, and swimming. Synchro is a challenging sport, you have to be both strong and flexible. Not to mention smart with all the routines and counts we have to memorize. At practice, we train very hard, but we still have fun. The pool is like my home away from home.
My teammates are my best friends. We go to out of town competitions, where we spend a lot of time together. We stay at the same hotel and spend the days at the pool competing our routines and figures. It is a lot of fun! Our coaches are inspiring and encouraging, I know they will always have my back. They help us achieve our goals and be the best athletes we can. My teammates and coaches are very supportive and caring! I’m so glad I found Caprice and all the wonderful people here!